
I Norge er mange arbeidere innen ulike bransjer utsatt for eksponering for potensielt helseskadelige kjemikalier i sitt arbeid. Slike miljøfaktorer kan også være annet enn kjemikalier, og her er nattarbeid et godt eksempel på en annen type eksponering.


Occupational noise exposure and vestibular schwannoma. A case-control study in Sweden

It has been suggested that the association between self-reported occupational noise exposure and vestibular schwannoma (VS) found in seve...

Aarhus, Lisa; Kjærheim, Kristina; Heikkinen, Sanna; Martinsen, Jan Ivar; Pukkala, Eero; Selander, Jenny; Sjöström, Mattias; Skare, Øivind; Straif, Kurt; Mehlum, Ingrid Sivesind


Parental occupational exposure to organic solvents and testicular germ cell tumors in their offspring. NORD-TEST Study

Background: Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) were suggested to have a prenatal environmentally related origin. The potential endocrine ...

Le Cornet, Charlotte; Fervers, Béatrice; Pukkala, Eero; Tynes, Tore; Feychting, Maria; Hansen, Johnni; Togawa, Kayo; Nordby, Karl-Christian; Dalton, Susanne Oksbjerg; Uuksulainen, Sanni; Wiebert, Pernilla ...


Large-scale association analysis identifies new lung cancer susceptibility loci and heterogeneity in genetic susceptibility across histological subtypes

Although several lung cancer susceptibility loci have been identified, much of the heritability for lung cancer remains unexplained. Here...

McKay, James D; Hung, Rayjean J; Han, Younghun; Zong, Xuchen; Carreras-Torres, Robert; Christiani, David C; Caporaso, Neil E; Johansson, Mattias; Xiao, Xiangjun; Li, Yafang; Byun, Jinyoung ...


Obesity, metabolic factors and risk of different histological types of lung cancer: A Mendelian randomization study

Background Assessing the relationship between lung cancer and metabolic conditions is challenging because of the confounding effect of to...

Carreras-Torres, Robert; Haycock, Philip C.; Wade, Kaitlin H.; Relton, Caroline L.; Martin, Richard M.; Smith, George Davey; Albanes, Demetrius; Aldrich, Melinda C.; Andrew, Angeline S.; Arnold, Susanne M.; Bickeböller, Heike ...

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