The first aim of this two-study paper was to report psychometric properties of a brief 11-item measure of safety climate adapted to petro-maritime organizations. The second aim was to examine potential indicators of predictive validity. Factor structure, internal consistency, and validity analyses were performed in two independent samples. The first sample consisted of 396 personnel working on offshore oil- and gas installations in the North Sea (response rate: 42%). The second sample comprised 594 crew members working on vessels belonging to two large Norwegian shipping companies (response rate: 73%). Data from both studies supported a three factor solution labelled Individual intention and motivation, Management prioritization, and Safety routines. The subscales had good psychometric properties. The validity indicators revealed correlations between the safety climate scales and transformational and authentic leadership, risk perception, health problems, intentions to leave, and job satisfaction in the expected directions. The present study indicates that this 11-item measure has a psychometrically sound factor structure that represents a theoretically meaningful and empirically anchored expression of safety climate in a petro-maritime organization.
Hjem Publikasjon A brief safety climate inventory for petr[...]