Vit. artikkel


  • 2024

The role of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), a prominent genotoxic carcinogen and aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) ligand, in tumor progression remains poorly characterized. We investigated the impact of BaP on the process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in normal human bronchial epithelial HBEC-12KT cells. Early morphological changes after 2-week exposure were accompanied with induction of SERPINB2, IL1, CDKN1A/p21 (linked with cell cycle delay) and chemokine CXCL5. After 8-week exposure, induction of cell migration and EMT-related pattern of markers/regulators led to induction of further pro-inflammatory cytokines or non-canonical Wnt pathway ligand WNT5A. This trend of up-regulation of pro-inflammatory genes and non-canonical Wnt pathway constituents was observed also in the BaP-transformed HBEC-12KT-B1 cells. In general, transcriptional effects of BaP differed from those of TGFβ1, a prototypical EMT inducer, or a model non-genotoxic AhR ligand, TCDD. Carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons could thus induce a unique set of molecular changes linked with EMT and cancer progression.

Hýžďalová, Martina; Procházková, Jiřina; Straková, Nicol; Pěnčíková, Kateřina; Strapáčová, Simona; Slováčková, Jana; Kajabová, Simona; Libalova, Helena; Topinka, Jan; Kabátková, Markéta; Vondráček, Jan; Mollerup, Steen Kristen; Machala, Miroslav
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 107
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