

A multinational case-control study on childhood brain tumours, anthropogenic factors, birth characteristics and prenatal exposures: A validation of interview data

Little is known about the aetiology of childhood brain tumours. We investigated anthropometric factors (birth weight, length, maternal ag...

Vienneau, Danielle; Infanger, Denis; Feychting, Maria; Schüz, Joachim; Schmidt, Lisbeth Samsø; Poulsen, Aslak Harbo; Tettamanti, Giorgio; Klæboe, Lars Hind Bakken; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Tynes, Tore; Von der Weid, Nicolas ...


Carbon Nanotube Emissions from Arc Discharge Production: Classification of Particle Types with Electron Microscopy and Comparison with Direct Reading Techniques

Introduction: An increased production and use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is occurring worldwide. In parallel, a growing concern is emergi...

Ludvigsson, Linus; Isaxon, Christina; Nilsson, Patrik T.; Tinnerberg, Hakan; Messing, Maria E.; Rissler, Jenny; Skaug, Vidar; Gudmundsson, Anders; Bohgar, Mats; Hedmer, Maria; Pagels, Joakim


Systematic review of the cardiovascular effects of occupational noise

Abstract: Background Cross-sectional studies of occupational noise and cardiovascular effects show an association between noise and hyper...

Skogstad, Marit; Johannessen, Håkon Andre; Tynes, Tore; Mehlum, Ingrid Sivesind; Nordby, Karl-Christian; Lie, Arve


Pulmonary function and serum pneumoproteins in professional ski waxers

Context: Professional ski waxers are exposed to particulate matter (PM) during work, but little is known about untoward pulmonary effects...

Freberg, Baard Ingegerdsson; Olsen, Raymond; Thorud, Syvert; Daae, Hanne Line; Hersson, Merete; Molander, Pål; Barregard, Lars; Ellingsen, Dag G.


Heavy physical work: Cardiovascular load in male construction workers

This study aimed to elucidate cardiovascular loads (CVL) in construction workers during work and leisure by relative heart rate (RHR) ove...

Lunde, Lars-Kristian; Koch, Markus; Veiersted, Kaj Bo; Moen, Gunn-Helen Øiseth; Wærsted, Morten; Knardahl, Stein


Thoracic dust exposure is associated with lung function decline in cement production workers

We hypothesised that exposure to workplace aerosols may lead to lung function impairment among cement production workers. Our study inclu...

Nordby, Karl-Christian; Notø, Hilde Pettersen; Wijnand, Eduard; Skogstad, Marit; Fell, Anne Kristin Møller; Thomassen, Yngvar; Skare, Øivind; Bergamaschi, Antonio; Pietroiusti, Antonio; Abderhalden, Rolf; Kongerud, Johny ...

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