Vit. artikkel


  • 2011

The research literature on the involuntary unemployed indicates that work has a number of beneficial effects on mental health. Nonetheless, certain psychosocial factors seem to increase the risk for employees to develop poor mental health, particularly anxiety and depressive symptoms: High job demands and low degree of influence and social support, or low degree of appreciation, career opportunities and job security are considered as risk factors in this respect. In addition, there is still a need to identify work environment factors that prevent people with poor mental health from falling into long-term sickness and disability pension. So far, to our knowledge, only one study has been done in this field. It indicated that good leadership serves as protection against long-term sick leave among employees with moderate depression symptoms.

Lau, Bjørn; Finne, Live Bakke; Berthelsen, Mona
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) Norsk Psykologforening, Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) 48(8): 745–750