DOC*X-Generation was established to conduct large and unselected prospective epidemiological studies with long-term follow-up on parental occupational exposures and outcomes in the offspring. This nationwide cohort comprises all hospital-admitted miscarriages, induced abortions and births conceived between 1977 and 2018 among women living in Denmark, with at least one episode of gainful employment during this period, corresponding to 3 475 777 pregnancy outcomes from 3 433 163 pregnancies among 1 441 539 women. Data were compiled by linking individual-level records in population and labour market registries. The cohort includes data on parental job titles, demographics, social transfer payments, birth outcomes and health outcomes for both parents and children. By use of parental job titles, individual-level data are linked to job exposure matrices (JEMs) with information on a range of occupational exposures (e.g. noise, ergonomic and psychosocial workload, chemicals), enabling studies of parental occupational exposure before and during pregnancy in relation to pregnancy and child outcomes. The catalogue of JEMs is ever evolving.
Cohort Profile: DOC∗X-Generation - A nationwide Danish pregnancy cohort with OCcupational eXposure data
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Cohort Profile: DOC∗X-Generation – A nationwide Danish pregnancy cohort with OCcupational eXposure data
Begtrup, Luise Mølenberg; Bonde, Jens Peter Ellekilde; Flachs, Esben Meulengracht; Mehlum, Ingrid Sivesind; Brauer, Charlotte; Pedersen, Marie; Tøttenborg, Sandra Søgaard; Hougaard, Karin Sørig; Sejbaek, Camilla Sandal