Chest pain (CP) is common, frightening, and often medically unexplained. Occupational psychological factors are associated with somatic pain. Personality may influence both perceived working conditions and somatic health, thereby confounding associations of work with health. Despite this, very few studies have investigated the interplay between work factors, personality and pain. The current study assessed relationships of a relatively novel work factor, human resource primacy (HRP), and a personality factor known to be relevant to health, dispositional optimism (Opt), with CP across two years (N = 6714). A series of structural equation models (SEMs) were fitted, modeling “substantive” and “confounded” relationships of psychological factors with CP. A “common latent factor” (CLF) was included to account for bias by unmeasured factors that may have influenced all variables (e.g. reporting bias) and the role of optimism as a possible confounder of the relationship between HRP and CP was investigated specifically. Independent effects of HRP and Opt on CP were observed. No effects of HRP/CP on Opt were observed. Opt appeared to confound the relationship between HRP and CP to some extent. However, best fit was observed for a “reciprocal” model with independent lagged effects from HRP/Opt to CP as well as from CP/Opt...
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Human resource primacy, dispositional optimism, and chest pain: A prospective, cross-lagged study of work, personality, and health
Christensen, Jan Olav; Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Finne, Live Bakke; Knardahl, Stein