Background and purpose: A growing number of people are using computers. Shoulder and neck pain occur commonly during computer work. Peripheral and central sensitization may play a major role in establishing and maintaining several chronic pain conditions. We have previously reported that a 90 min simulated computer office-work induced substantial pain in the shoulders and neck. We hypothesized that the development of pain during the computer work may be related to sensitization. The aim of the present study was to examine if the 90 min computer work induced deep tissue muscle hyperalgesia manifested as altered pressure pain thresholds (PPTs). Methods: Twenty-two subjects with chronic shoulder and neck pain (pain group) and 26 healthy and pain free subjects (reference group) performed a standardized computer office-work task with use of a computer-mouse and with time pressure and high precision demands continuously for 90 min. The pressure pain threshold was measured with a pressure algometer in shoulder and forearm muscles (bilaterally in upper trapezius and extensor carpi radialis), and at sternum, before and 15 min and 30 min after the computer work task. Results: The PPTs before starting the computer work were not different between the groups at any of the five locations....
Home Publications Deep tissue hyperalgesia after computer work
Deep tissue hyperalgesia after computer work
Strøm, Vegard; Røe, Cecilie; Matre, Dagfinn; Knardahl, Stein