Smoke diving is physically demanding, and firefighters must therefore meet certain minimum physical requirements. The aim of this study was to compare the physiological demands of two fire fitness tests: a test of 8-min treadmill walking approved by the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (NLIA) (a laboratory test) and a Canadian test consisting of 10 firefighting specific tasks carried out in sequence (an applied field test). If the Canadian field test is as physically demanding as the NLIA-approved laboratory test, it may be suitable for testing Norwegian firefighters. Twenty-two male professional firefighters were tested on separate days. In both tests, the subjects wore a complete firefighting outfit including a breathing apparatus. The test durations were 8 min (NLIA test) versus approximately 6 min (Canadian test). Neither the peak O2 uptake (VO2) of approximately 45 ml kg − 1 min − 1 nor the blood lactate concentration (BLC) at test termination ( ≈ 9 mmol L − 1) differed between the two tests. Rating of perceived exertion (RPECR-10) was lower for the Canadian test than for the Norwegian test (5.2 ± 1.5 vs. 7.0 ± 2.0, respectively), and the exercise time at a high VO2 was also shorter. In conclusion, the Canadian...
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A comparison of two physical ability tests for firefighters
Mamen, Asgeir; Oseland, Harald; Medbø, Jon Ingulf