Aims: to answer three main questions:
1. How are sleep and wakefulness affected by different working hour schedules?
2. How is safety affected by working hour schedules under different working conditions?
3. How is health, absenteeism and work ability affected by different working hour schedules under different working conditions?
4. Two research institutions (the University of Bergen and the Norwegian National Institute of Occupational Health) were awarded grants. The research institutions formed a joint project to combine competences and resources.
The project measures both working hour schedules, work content, work environment, attitudes, sleep quality as well as consequences, like sleep disturbances, health, and safety behavior. The project can therefore provide knowledge of how various factors interact as well as of protective factors.
STAMI (NIOH) has studied factors contributing to mental health (distress). After completion of publication of these studies, other health outcomes will be examined.