Project status


The project became a WHO-project in cooperation with STAMI. An idea bank for good occupational health services, called Good occupational health services,
  ‘Good OHS’,  was also created. This idea bank describes successful occupational health services’ best practices. As of 2010 this project also included revising and improving
guidelines of the occupational medicine. These guidelines are available online, and they are also a part of a

Norwegian online resource for health personnel (“Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok”)

During 2011 it became increasingly  difficult to get
OHS to contribute to the idea bank, so this part of the project was put on hold.
A survey made in 2011 among occupational health service personnel  showed that almost all knew about
the evaluation tool.
7 of 10 used it, and 87 per cent stated that this was a useful tool. The occupational health service guidelines are used by 77 per cent, and

98 per cent stated that the quality  of the guidelines were good or very good.

In 2010 a formal
accreditation of occupational health services was introduced.
in 2012 another revision of ‘Good OHS’ was made.
In 2012 another revision of ‘Good OHS’ was made.