The 1 % weight emission-limit of drill waste set by the authorities has caused an end to emission of oil based drilling fluids.
The waste mud is instead shipped on shore for cleansing and re-cycling. Several waste plants have been built along the coast of Norway for this purpose.
The business of handling and recycling oil drill waste is relatively new, and there is limited documentation of any possible negative health
effects for workers handling drilling mud at these plants.
The on-site occupational health services report of ailments such as of odours, fatigue, headaches and sickness.
These are vague descriptions that may have several causes, but exposure on the work place cannot be ruled out.
It is therefore desirable to survey the risk of exposure and possible negative health effects at these work places.
1) To develop a process chart for treatment steps and high risk work-operations for waste streams from the offshore drilling.
2) To characterize exposure to chemical and biological agents in the air generated by recycling and treatment of the drilling waste.
3) To carry out measurements of exposure of selected agents at Norwegian recycling plants. Give recommendations for means to reduce risk of exposure.
Link to the project page in Norwegian, for contact information, etc.