Information on the use of diesel-powered equipment in the industry will be collected. This will provide an overview which is necessary for risk assessment in the petroleum industry, as well as contribute to an increased awareness on the challenges related to exposure to diesel exhaust.

A new limit value for diesel exhaust is binding in Norway from February 2023. Previously, nitrogen dioxide has been used as a marker for the gas phase in diesel exhaust. This compound can be monitored personally with the use of electrochemical sensors or quantified in the laboratory after it is absorbed on filters. The new occupational standard to measure diesel exhaust include elemental carbon, which is a marker for the particulate phase in diesel exhaust. Elemental carbon is quantified in the laboratory after collecting diesel exhaust particles on a filter. To simplify risk management, the petroleum industry has asked for personal monitoring equipment for measuring diesel exhaust. However, there is currently no standardized direct monitoring sensor for determining the concentration of elemental carbon. This project will evaluate existing direct reading instruments which may be applicable for monitoring diesel exhaust in the petroleum industry.

Project manager: Nils Petter Skaugset

You can find further information on the project on the Norwegian project page