Official Norwegian Reports (NOUs – from the Prime Minister or the Ministries)
- NOU 2022:19 Oil Pioneers – a compensation scheme
- NOU 2022:7 An improved pension system
- NOU 2021:9 The Norwegian Model and the future work life
- NOU 2021:2 Competence, activities, and income protection – activities for increased employment
- NOU 2020:12 Private actors in the welfare state – The Welfare Service Committee
- NOU 2016:1 Working Time Committee – regulation of working hours
- NOU 2012:15 Policy for equality.
Amendments in Norwegian Laws and Regulations
- Prop 133L: 2021-2022 Amendments to the Work Environment Act – enforcing full time work
- Prop 87L: 2021-2022 Amendments to the Social Service Act
- 2022 Amendments to Regulation 715 on Working from home
- Prop 48L: 2014-2015 Amendments to the Work Environment Act, on working hours, ++
- FOR-2008-05-30-516 REACH-regulation, and REACH-ordinance (EF) 1907/2006) Amendments to Regulation of Exposure to Chemicals at Work setting Occupational Exposure Limits on different substances with an average of 14 OEL’s/year during the evaluation period (produced 5-32/year in the period) – The regulation: “- Regulations on registration, assessment, approval and restriction of chemicals”.
Other imperative impacts (Parliamentary Notice)
- Parliamentary Notice on the Perspectives of the future of Norway (The Melding St. 14 (Perspektivmeldingen 2021))
- Parliamentary Notice on the Perspectives of the future of Norway (Melding St. 17 (Perspektivmeldingen 2016-2017))
- Public Health Parliamentary Notice (Melding St. 15 2022-2023, Folkehelsemeldingen)
- Public Health Parliamentary Notice (Melding St. 19 2018-2019, Folkehelsemeldingen)
- Regulation on the education of medical and dental specialisations (Forskrift om spesialistutdannelse av leger og tannleger (spesialistforskriften) nr. 1068, 2021)